Director and Curator
Far Afield
Far Afield is a multifaceted initiative committed to experimental research, publications, exhibitions, community engagement, and emergent practices. Through temporary and long-term projects, Far Afield aims to support regionally-connected artistic and curatorial practices. | 05.12.2017 - ongoing
Since 2017, Far Afield has presented six major curatorial projects and showcased the work of twenty-four artists and cultural producers—predominately those living and working in rural communities. The following list includes links to projects and exhibitions presented by Far Afield.
Under the Beating Sun, From Summer to Summer
Ruth Beer, Ursula Biemann, Tobias Ewé, Curtis Grahauer, Stephanie LeMenager, Renée Reizman, Jean Routhier, Jayce Salloum, Charisma Christal Thomas, Elia Vargas, Laurie White, Paul Wong. 06.01 - 08.01, 2019. Access Gallery. Vancouver, BC.
Lexie Owen. 09.14 - 09.15, 2018. Agassiz Fall Fair and Corn Festival. Agassiz, BC. Part of the curatorial series Touchstones: Deep Time in the Near Future.
all the cool girls were gemstones but i was just a sedimentary rock
Lianne Zannier. 09.12.2018 - ongoing. Online exhibition. Part of the curatorial series Touchstones: Deep Time in the Near Future.
Carrielynn Victor. 09.01 - 09.30, 2018. Ranger Station Art Gallery. Harrison, BC. Part of the curatorial series Touchstones: Deep Time in the Near Future.
Liljana Mead Martin. 08.18 - 08.21, 2017. A four-day series of outdoor improvisational performances. Salt Spring Island, BC.
Annerose Georgeson, Bill Horne, Andrew Maize, Jennifer Annaïs Pighin, Perry Rath, RR7@Crysdale Crossing Collective (Karen Kellett, Judyta Frodyma, Joanna Smythe). 05.12 - 05.27, 2017. Omineca Arts Centre. Prince George, BC.