Karrabing Film Collective, The Family and the Zombie, 2021, film still.
Chaisson, Caitlin. “Activist Alibis.” frieze magazine, no. 233 (2023): 30.
I once heard Karrabing Film Collective on a 2021 e-flux panel liken their videos to ‘alibis’, which made me wonder what acts their artworks might be a cover for. In contemporary Indigenous struggles, might good alibis be strategically effective allies? Redirecting narratives and resources in a settler state, Karrabing’s burgeoning filmmaking practice makes a good case that they are. Their ‘alibis’ have been circulating through international festivals and exhibitions, garnering acclaim, press and, crucially, money that’s needed to support their primary and ongoing work of getting people back into their lands in Australia’s Northern Territory.
The text is available in full, here.